When we attend a Christian church we are usually impressed with the way God is worshiped in that place, it is remarkable the difference between the traditionalist church and the Christian church in this aspect; we could say that there is a little more freedom when praising and worshiping our Heavenly Father, and what to say about the preaching, totally different, the spiritual environment becomes pleasant for our soul and obviously an impact is generated in our heart.
It is difficult to say no to Jesus Christ in an environment like these, highlighting that usually when someone attends a Christian church for the first time, he does it with the expectation that there he will find what he longs for from God. However, time goes by and if a genuine and true relationship with the Lord is lived, the panorama begins to become different. It is no longer the worship team, it is no longer the ministers or leaders, it is no longer the methods or strategies that the church uses to get your attention, it is no longer the church; now it is the Holy Spirit of God Himself, filling your life with love, fire and passion, everything goes to another level filled with the Glory of God.
When you begin to experience the Glory of God, He Himself takes care of taking down from the throne those who live a false spirituality; the Lord begins to show you the reality that is lived in many altars of the congregations that claim to be Christian (not all congregations, I keep the hope that this is so). I am referring to sin, I am referring to ministers and leaders who dare to stand in a pulpit to minister the word of God, praise and worship, when their heart is dirty and full of iniquity, when their mind is full of captive thoughts, when their spirit is separated from the Holy Spirit of God, when their soul is simply full of emotion, not of the power and self-control that the Lord gives; when their flesh is in control of sin and not of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
This article is dedicated to all ministers and church leaders, to all those who speak in the name of God. Let us keep in mind that a leader of the Heavenly Kingdom has a double responsibility before the Lord when he ministers His word, He does not want us His children to be simply hearers and talkers of His decrees, the Lord wants us to live His word.
God wants a Holy altar, where truly stand people full of fear of God, full of His holiness, worshipers in Spirit and in Truth. I do not speak of perfection because none of us can be perfect as long as we are in this world; but yes, it is our duty as children of God, to keep a clean heart before Him; whether we are leaders or not, it is our responsibility to seek God's mercy every day.
We were all destitute from God's presence because of sin, but He has given us the confidence to approach His throne through the blood of Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness for our sins, iniquities and lusts; living in His righteousness will allow us to remain in His presence and repudiate evil, and when ministering His word we will not only be speaking of Him, but imparting His holiness.
God wants an altar that ministers above all "holiness and fear of God", but it must be the ministers and leaders who first live in that fear; it is worthless to have a great praise group, if it is contaminated by sin; it is worthless to preach beautifully, if you do not live what you preach; it is worthless to be part of a great congregation, when it is only a facade in the eyes of God; it is worthless to present a great show before men, when you are not truly pleasing the Lord.
"In the fear of the Lord men depart from evil" Proverbs 16:6b. (KJV 1960).
"But it is not enough to hear the message; you must put it into practice, otherwise you would be deceiving yourselves." James 1:22 (DHH).
God wants us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, it is a call to all of us who claim to be children of God, may He be the one to grant us the grace to stand in fear of departing from His presence!
"God is Spirit, therefore all who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 (NTV).
